O’Fallon Dental Works provides emergency dentistry to ensure patients receive the care they need as quickly as possible.

emergency dentistry man with tooth pain o'fallon dental works


At O’Fallon Dental Works, we can help you get the care you need to restore your smile after a dental emergency. Whether you’ve experienced an oral injury due to a slip and fall or another accident, you have a serious toothache, or you’ve got a loose or pulled out piece of dental work, we’re here to help. If you think your issue counts as an emergency, you’re probably right. So contact us now at 636-272-5015 to get the emergency dentistry care you need.

As general dentists, we are trained to handle your urgent dental needs. If you are a patient of O’Fallon Dental Works, we offer same day dental appointments for patients experiencing a dental emergency. The most common forms of dental emergencies include:

  • Broken tooth
  • Avulsed tooth (knocked out of socket)
  • Infection
  • Unmanageable pain
  • Swelling in jaw, face, gums or lips
  • Sustained an injury to your teeth or mouth




When in doubt, it’s better to be safe when dealing with your dental health. If you think that your condition counts as an emergency, give us a call and schedule an appointment right away.


Not sure when you need emergency dentistry? Chances are that if you’re experiencing any oral health condition that is causing you serious pain and discomfort, and you don’t know how to treat it on your own, you’re having an emergency.

One obvious category of dental emergencies is oral injuries. Injuries to your teeth and mouth such as broken, knocked-out, or loose teeth are all emergencies, and demand emergency dentistry immediate care to ensure that you preserve your oral health.

However, quite a few other conditions also count as emergencies. A serious toothache could indicate an infected tooth or a severe cavity. A pulled-out crown or filling needs to be replaced right away to prevent complications. Gums that bleed for no reason or bleed excessively when brushing could indicate an advanced case of gum disease, which should be treated right away with proper periodontal care.


Getting immediate, same-day care helps resolve your dental emergency right away, and prevents further complications. A knocked-out tooth, for example, needs to be splinted and replaced within 1-2 hours to save it. If you don’t see your dentist in time, we won’t be able to save your tooth, which will lead to more expensive complications.

Immediate care also provides you with relief from the pain and discomfort of your dental emergency, which can be extremely uncomfortable and interfere with your day-to-day life.

Finally, getting emergency treatment provides you with peace of mind. You’ll know that you’ve gotten the treatment you need, and you won’t have to worry about your condition getting worse due to lack of treatment.


Cracked or fractured teeth are surprisingly common and are the leading cause of tooth loss for most people. A cracked tooth may or may not cause symptoms and fractures in the molars can be difficult to detect. A cracked tooth should be treated; however, as to avoid further complications such as an abscess or more invasive dental procedures. 

What Causes Teeth to Crack?

There are many ways to fracture a tooth and teeth are more likely to crack as you age. Some common causes of a fractured tooth include:

  • Bruxism or teeth grinding at night
  • Having large fillings that weaken the structural integrity of tooth
  • Teeth with root canals are more likely to crack
  • Chewing hard foods such as candy or ice
  • Injury to the mouth

Depending on the severity of the fracture, you may or may not experience symptoms of a fractured tooth. The most common symptoms of a cracked tooth include:

  • Pain when chewing or biting
  • Sensitive to hot and cold or sweetness
  • Intermittent pain, usually not continuous
  • Swelling in the gum around the affected tooth

Diagnosing and Treating a Cracked Tooth

If you suspect you have cracked a tooth, it is important to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to mitigate further dental problems. Sometimes it is difficult to determine where the crack is and so it is helpful to note where your pain occurs and communicate this to your dentist. Your dentist will also ask about your chewing habits and if you grind your teeth at night. 

There are many treatment options to consider once the crack is identified and the treatment will depend on the severity of the crack. Fractures can range from superficial to severe. Superficial or hairline fractures that do not produce pain may not need to be treated. Other treatment options include:

  • Bonding
  • Filling
  • Crown
  • Root canal

Our experienced general and cosmetic dentists at O’Fallon Dental Works are skilled in identifying and treating fractured teeth. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort and you suspect you have a fractured tooth call O’Fallon Dental Works today at (636) 272-5015.


Chipped teeth are quite common and they can happen when you least expect it. Eating hard candy, crunching on ice, falling, playing a game of pickup basketball or a minor car accident are all ways that you can chip a tooth or teeth. A chipped tooth requires treatment to prevent further damage or infection. If you chip a tooth unexpectedly, here are a few ways to care for your tooth until you can come in for an emergency dentistry repair. 

  • For pain, O’Fallon Dental Works suggests over the counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water
  • If the chip has caused a jagged or sharp edge, cover the edge with wax to keep it from irritating your cheek or tongue
  • Eat soft foods to avoid biting on a broken tooth

Usually, a chipped tooth is repaired using a procedure called bonding. Bonding uses a tooth-colored composite resin that is durable and has a natural appearance. The dentist will apply an etching liquid to the surface of the chipped tooth to slightly roughen it. Next, an adhesive material is applied as well as the tooth-colored resin. Your dentist will shape the resin to match t


A toothache, pain in or around a tooth, can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common causes of a toothache are: tooth decay, infected or abscessed tooth, fractured tooth, lost filling and gum infection. If you are experiencing consistent pain in a tooth or teeth, it is important to properly identify the cause so that we can treat it and you can begin the healing process. Often, if a tooth is infected, the infection can spread to other teeth creating an even bigger problem. At O’Fallon Dental Works, we encourage patients to call if you are having any problems no matter how small they may seem; early diagnosis and treatment will yield a better outcome. 

A toothache usually has a classic presentation with pain emanating from a tooth or a few teeth. Here are some additional symptoms that can occur with tooth pain, which will need to be addressed by your dentist:

  • Throbbing, sharp or consistent pain
  • Pain during chewing
  • A feeling of pressure around or under a tooth
  • Fever 
  • Headache 
  • Bad tasting drainage from an abscessed tooth
  • Referred pain in the ear

Diagnosing a Toothache

At O’Fallon Dental Works, we will collect your recent health history and perform a physical examination to determine the cause of your tooth pain. We may take x-rays and perform other tests to identify the exact cause of your tooth pain. Once we have identified the source of pain, we can offer the appropriate treatment to resolve the problem.


The treatment of tooth pain will depend on the cause; however, you can be assured that we will promptly address your problem and get you back on the road to feeling better as quickly as possible.

  • If decay is causing your pain, we will fill the cavity or perform a root canal and a restoration, if necessary 
  • An antibiotic may be prescribed for patients with an abscessed tooth, which should help with the pain

O’Fallon Dental Works, located in St. Louis, MO is here to provide urgent and emergency dentistry services. If you are experiencing moderate to severe tooth pain, we encourage you to call us at (636) 272-5015. 


Better life through better dentistry.


Better life through better dentistry.