A beautiful smile is within reach at O’Fallon Dental Works

smiling with cosmetic dentistry o'fallon dental works


Feeling good when you smile is an amazing feeling and great asset. At O’Fallon Dental Works, cosmetic dentistry by our doctors can offer you a head turning smile. Sometimes just a few minor changes make all the difference. In other cases, we may want to address many teeth. Bring us your concerns, and our doctors can plot the course for your ideal smile.

Reasons to invest in your smile:

  • A healthy, confident smile has a positive effect on your emotional well-being
  • Patients are more likely to maintain proper oral hygiene if they are proud of their smile
  • Straight teeth are easier to brush and floss


Millions of Americans each year suffer tooth loss due to decay, periodontal disease or injury to the mouth. In the past, bridges or dentures were made to act as tooth/teeth replacements. Today, dental implants are used to replace missing teeth offering patients a long-term and effective solution in restoring the function of your teeth and smile. 


A dental implant is completed over the course of several appointments that spans a time period of approximately 4-6 months, depending on how quickly your bone fuses to the new artificial tooth root. Once a dental implant is placed, the procedure will be completed with an implant restoration, or a crown that covers the implant. If you need a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, O’Fallon Dental Works will work collaboratively with a periodontist or an oral surgeon to make sure you have the highest quality dental implant treatment available. 

After the implant has fused to the bone, it will be time to create a custom restoration to finish the process. The dental implant restoration is much like getting a crown placed. We will make an impression of your teeth and send it to the laboratory to create a custom porcelain crown to fit over your implant. As soon as your crown is made, we will schedule a visit to cement the crown into place and perform any adjustments that are needed to ensure you have the most comfortable and best fit. With proper care and regular visits to your dentists, your dental crown should last a very long time. 

If you have any questions about dental implant restorations, or the process of dental implant therapy, please call O’Fallon Dental Works of O’Fallon, MO at (636) 272-5015


Porcelain dental crowns are used to replace the external portion of a tooth that has been injured, worn, damaged, cracked or severely decayed. Crowns not only restore the function of your chewing surface, but they create a natural appearance to improve the aesthetic of your smile. A porcelain crown is a long-lasting, durable cosmetic dentistry treatment option. Traditional crowns cover a tooth, restoring its shape and size, as well as strengthening and improving its appearance. A crown usually requires two dental appointments to complete. 

At O’Fallon Dental Works, we strive to offer the best treatment solutions to help you improve your oral health. If a tooth or teeth are weakened by decay or are cracked, this can lead to more challenging dental problems in the future. We aim to address these problems early in order to mitigate more complex and invasive treatments. 


There are many reasons a dental crown may be the treatment of choice for you. At O’Fallon Dental Works, our dentists will partner with you to determine the most effective and aesthetically pleasing option to restore your tooth. Some of reasons you may need a crown are if you have:

  • A cracked tooth
  • Severe decay
  • Broken tooth or worn tooth
  • A dental bridge
  • A new dental implant
  • Cosmetic alteration

Dental crowns are durable, long-lasting cosmetic restorations for your teeth. Crowns are customized to fit your unique dentition and then color matched to create a natural aesthetic appearance. They are an effective treatment to restore a tooth that has been damaged or decayed. There are additional benefits to choosing a crown to restore the function of your tooth, such as:

  • To protect a cracked or broken tooth
  • To cover a dental implant
  • To protect a tooth after root canal treatment
  • To provide support to a tooth that has been damaged or decayed
  • To improve the appearance of a tooth

Dental crowns have a good long term success rate and can mitigate the need for more invasive restoration procedures.

Fitting a crown usually requires two visits to our office. Initially, we will remove decay, shape the tooth, and fit it with a temporary crown. An impression will be made and sent to the laboratory to customize your porcelain crown. During the next visit, we will remove the temporary crown, and then fit, adjust and polish the final crown. Lastly, we will cement the crown into place and you will have a new, beautiful tooth. With proper care and regular visits to your dentists, your dental crown should be quite durable and long-lasting.

If you have questions or are interested in learning more about cosmetic dental services, call O’Fallon Dental Works today at (636) 272-5015.


For patients missing a tooth or several teeth in a row, a dental bridge may be the cosmetic dentistry solution for you. A bridge will help restore the function and aesthetics of your smile. Missing teeth can affect speech, chewing as well as self-confidence. A fixed dental bridge restoration is used to close or “bridge” the gap across an area of missing teeth. The adjacent teeth, also known as abutment teeth, are used to hold the bridge in place. The bridge is made up of an artificial tooth that is attached to crowns on each side. Once the adjacent teeth have been prepared for the crowns, the dental bridge can be placed and supported by the crowned teeth on either side of the bridge.

A dental bridge is a cosmetic dental solution that is effective in restoring your smile as well as the functionality of your bite. Additional benefits of dental bridges include:

  • Restore the ability to properly chew food
  • Balance the forces of your bite to create a healthy, functioning bite
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Keep the remaining teeth from drifting out of proper position
  • Bridges are a fixed appliance that does not move or slide

If you have missing teeth, O’Fallon Dental Works will help determine if a dental bridge is the right cosmetic restoration for you. If you would like to learn more about cosmetic dentistry services or dental bridges, please call (636) 272-5015.

A dental bridge usually requires two office visits to complete. Our dentist will prepare the abutment teeth by removing some of the enamel to fit them for crowns. Impressions of the surrounding teeth will be needed to create the bridge restoration. A temporary bridge will be placed until the permanent bridge is made in the lab.

At the next dental visit, your permanent bridge will be cemented into place. It is not uncommon for dental bridges to require more than one adjustment appointment. We will take the time to adjust the restoration until it functions and fits precisely. At O’Fallon Dental Works, our goal is to ensure our patients are comfortable and adapting to their cosmetic restoration.

If you are interested in learning more about the cosmetic dentistry services at O’Fallon Dental Works, please call (636) 272-5015 and we will be happy to schedule a consultation.


Veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment applied to the front teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. Veneers can restore a natural, beautiful, white smile to patients looking for cosmetic enhancement or patients who have chipped, broken, damaged or stained front teeth. The high quality materials used to create veneers mimic the light reflecting properties of your natural teeth and the porcelain is resistant to stains. 

Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are permanently bonded to the front surface of your teeth. Veneers are not the same as dental crowns or implants as they just cover the front surface of the upper teeth that are visible during smiling. 

The first step in getting dental veneers is to request a consultation with Dr. Dougherty or Dr. Meier at O’Fallon Dental Works. After an examination with x-rays and impressions, we will discuss your smile goals and what you are hoping to change about your smile. We will then create a treatment plan and a cost estimate for this cosmetic procedure.

The next appointment will entail preparing the front teeth for veneers by removing a very small amount of enamel or the outermost portion of your tooth. This will require a small amount of drilling and should not cause much pain. Your dentist will then take another impression of your teeth and send it to the laboratory so they can customize your veneers. Your dental veneers can be customized to match the color and texture of the surrounding natural teeth.

At the final appointment, your dentist will make sure that you like the new veneers and proceed with bonding them to your teeth. This is not a painful process and you will leave with a beautiful new smile.

Dental veneers are a cosmetic dental solution used to address a variety of smile concerns. Many patients are candidates for veneers as long as they have good oral health, practice good oral hygiene and have a sufficient amount of tooth enamel. Veneers are routinely used to correct:

  • Discolored front teeth – either due to root canal therapy or severe stains
  • Worn teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Space or gaps between teeth
  • Misaligned, uneven or irregularly shaped teeth

If you are interested in quickly and affordably improving your smile, dental veneers may be a great cosmetic treatment option for you. Call O’Fallon Dental Works today at (636) 272-5015 to find out if you are a candidate for dental veneers.

Porcelain veneers offer many aesthetic benefits. Some of the benefits include:

  • Strength and durability
  • Improves and enhances your smile for great self-confidence
  • Close gaps between teeth
  • Straighten mildly crooked teeth
  • Create a uniform smile
  • Smooth and translucent surfaces look and feel natural
teeth whitening at o'fallon dental works

If you are looking for a quick, easy cosmetic dentistry option to enhance your smile that won’t break the budget, consider teeth whitening at O’Fallon Dental Works. To learn more about teeth whitening and how easy it is to rewind time on your smile, call us today at (636) 272-5015.


Sometimes, all you need to feel more confident is a whiter, brighter smile! O’Fallon Dental Works is pleased to offer teeth whitening as a cosmetic service for patients looking to brighten their smile. Now, you can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home day or night with our home whitening kit. 

Teeth whitening is the most common cosmetic dentistry procedure available and can take years off your smile. With our take home kit, you can get results within a week to 10 days of beginning treatment.

Have you tried all the whitening toothpastes to lift the stains from your teeth, but they just don’t seem to work? Over the years, there are many factors that contribute to the discoloration of teeth. As we age, teeth naturally become stained or discolored due to our lifestyle habits. Here are a few of the most common causes of discolored or stained teeth:

  • Certain medications
  • Smoking
  • Food and beverages such as coffee, tea and red wine
  • Aging

If you are looking for a minor cosmetic dentistry enhancement that can turn back the hands of time on your smile, contact O’Fallon Dental Works today at (636) 272-5015 to learn more about teeth whitening.

At O’Fallon Dental Works located in O’Fallon, MO, we offer custom-made, soft, flexible bleaching trays that are comfortable and fit your unique smile. The whitening agent is a safe, gel-based solution that is applied in a thin bead along the bottom of the tray. After you place the tray on your teeth, the gel will coat the teeth and start whitening and brightening your smile immediately.

The benefits of whitening teeth go beyond simple aesthetics. When people have whiter teeth they smile more often and exude self-confidence. Other benefits of teeth whitening include:

  • Affordable cosmetic enhancement – teeth whitening is affordable and with a customized tray, you can whiten on your time when it is most convenient for you
  • Enhanced your appearance – whiter teeth look younger and can enhance your appearance, whether it is for a big event or just an every day brighter smile.
  • Conservative cosmetic treatment – whitening your teeth requires no preparation. Once your tray is made, you can begin whitening immediately.
  • Improve your oral health – studies have shown that patients who have a whiter, brighter smile are more likely to improve their oral health care routine. You will want to take care of your smile by brushing twice a day and flossing every day to keep your teeth in tip top shape.


patient smile before cosmetic dental care at o'fallon dental worksafter cosmetic dental work o'fallon dental works
before cosmetic dental care o'fallon dental worksafter cosmetic dentistry procedure at o'fallon dental works


Better life through better dentistry.


Better life through better dentistry.