cosmetic dentistry iconHave you considered cosmetic bonding or porcelain veneers to create or restore your smile? At O’Fallon DentalWorks, we offer reconstructive dentistry as a treatment to restore your smile.  Whether your teeth are decayed, broken, misaligned or missing, our outstanding dental providers will help you create a personalized plan to give you back your smile. Two options, bonding or veneers, are available when considering cosmetic reconstruction.


Bonding offers a conservative and often less expensive cosmetic alternative to lab created restorations such as veneers. Bonding is a procedure that uses a tooth-colored resin to cover flaws in your teeth. A thin coating of bonding agent is applied to the surface of your tooth, and the material is shaped and colored to look beautiful and natural. A high intensity light hardens the material and the surfaces is finely polished.

Dental Bonding can:

  • Repair chipped or cracked teeth
  • Restore discolored teeth
  • Close gaps between the teeth
  • Lengthen teeth
  • Reshape teeth
  • Protect a portion of the tooth’s root that is exposed due to receding gums


Veneers are one of the most conservative restorations in our cosmetic “tool bag.” They are wafer-thin shells of porcelain that are permanently bonded to teeth.

Veneers offer many solutions to repair teeth, including:

  • Teeth worn down due to age
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Misaligned or crooked teeth
  • Close gaps between teeth

A cosmetic veneer does not encompass the entire tooth. Instead, they only cover the visible part of the tooth. This preserves a large amount of the natural tooth structure.  Veneers can straighten, lengthen, and whiten teeth to create a beautiful smile and a more comfortable bite position.

At O’Fallon DentalWorks, we offer many solutions to your cosmetic needs.  Dr. Dougherty and Dr. Meier will listen to each patient explain their dental concerns and then carefully examine each patient to create their ideal smile.  Your smile is waiting, call today for an appointment at 636-272-5015.